42 events found.
Latest Past Events
The Seeds of Turmoil
INTN 3023Huế’s "People of the Pagoda" and the Buddhist Mobilization of 1963 Nguyễn Dịu Hương This presentation reconstructs the historical atmosphere of the Summer 1963 Buddhist mobilization in central Viet Nam’s royal city of Huế through close-up descriptions of those events based on what was considered significant by its participants and supporters. Glancing through the lens […]
Nailed It
INTS 1109Film Screening w/ Q&A with Film Director, Adele Free Pham Southeast Asia: Text, Ritual, and Performance (SEATRiP) at UC Riverside is happy to announce a film screening of Nailed It (click to view trailer), along with a Question & Answer session with Film Director, Adele Free Pham. This event is made possible through co-sponsorships from the UCR Women's Resource Center, […]