The Indonesian Way: Islam and Democracy

INTS 1113

A lecture by Dr. Giora Eliraz The “Indonesian way” is increasingly challenged by exclusive, intolerant winds originated outside of the local context. About two years ago Nahdlatul Ulama (NU), the largest Muslim organizations in Indonesia, started to publicize its initiative of promoting globally, to the Middle East in particular, the concept Islam Nusantara (the Islam of the Indonesian […]

The Plight of the Rohingya

INTS 1109

Origins and Prospects Panel Discussion with Charmaine Craig (Creative Writing) Tamara Ho (Gender & Sexuality Studies) Emily Hue (Ethnic Studies) Over 5000,000 Rohingya have recently been driven out of Myanmar due to violent attack by the country's army, causing a refugee emergency. In this public conversation, we will consider: the history of majority nationalism and […]

Communication Repertoires and Cultural Memory in Everyday Urban Life in Vietnam

Watkins 1347

Talk by Christina Sanko Visiting Scholar Centre of Media, Communication and Information Research (ZeMKI) University of Bremen, Germany The talk presents PhD research on communica4ve processes within the Vietnamese urban population and how these forge the construc4on of cultural memory in everyday life. Informed by theore4cal approaches in memory (Erll 2011) and communica4on studies (van Dijck 2007), the […]

Hot off the Presses event with guest speaker, Sarita See

College Building South 114

 The Filipino Primitive: Accumulation and Resistance in the American Museum Sarita See argues that collections of stolen artifacts form the foundation of American knowledge production. Nowhere can we appreciate more easily the triple forces of knowledge accumulation—capitalist, colonial, and racial—than in the imperial museum, where the objects of accumulation remain materially, visibly preserved. The Filipino Primitive takes […]